We as humans always stress the importance of showing humanity and kindness to other fellow beings. But when it comes to animals, we don’t mind eating non-vegetarian foods or throwing a stone at the street dogs when they come near us looking for something. Animals, like humans, are living beings and they also need respect and care. In order to promote awareness about these voiceless animals that cannot protest against humans on their own for their unmet needs, there is a special day called World Animal Day.

Today, 4th October is World Animal Day, and the theme for the day is a “shared planet”. World Animal Day 2023 aims to create a safe planet for everyone including the animals that are usually exploited because of their inability to express their situations through a spoken language like humans. World Animal Day is to raise awareness about animal welfare. It is dedicated to both domesticated and wild animals, rare species, and those who are under threat due to environmental ruin.
Animal lovers, undoubtedly, are aware of how to treat different types of animals and why there is a need for vegetarianism in today’s society. However, there are several people who need to be made aware and given information on the importance of showing compassion towards animals. George Bernard Shaw once said, “Animals are my friends … and I don’t eat my friends.” Following a spiritual lifestyle and vegetarian diet is one of the key ways of helping animals not be exploited and killed mercilessly for the satisfaction of humans.
Another aspect of promoting animal welfare is by making people realize the value of animals in different ways. How do animals protect the ecosystem to run smoothly and maintain balance? How animals actually are sentient beings that also have their own rights to live on this planet Earth. How animals shouldn’t be misused and abused for getting profits by organizations. How animals shouldn’t be brought home as pets and mistreated by human beings. How animals, just like human beings, also have feelings of belongingness, love, care, and affection, that shouldn’t be neglected by taking away their rights without any understanding. How animals also feel hungry and also should be cared for with proper medical treatments when they fall sick or hurt themselves unknowingly. When all these pointers are explained to common people through different mediums, that’s when a huge change can be seen in the world to make it a safer place for animals to live in.

Martin Buber once said, “An animal’s eyes have the power to speak a great language”. So, the next time when you see a stray dog, don’t rush away but instead look at its innocent eyes and try to calm it by rubbing your soft hands on its head. Feeding a stray dog with some food on a regular basis will not cost you much but it will surely make its life better. It is just not about stray dogs or pets or wild animals, it is about showing your human qualities like caring, understanding, and affection towards these life forms that are also looking for nothing in this world but LOVE.
Go Spiritual India has taken several initiatives for Animals welfare and humanity towards them. Go Spiritual India is a Charitable Spiritual organization working for Philanthropy, Spiritual Awareness, Mental Health, Spiritual Tourism, Organic & Wellness, Events, Media, Publications and Social causes.
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