When was the last time when you took great care of yourself? These days a lot has been said and written by experts on why caring for the body and mind is of utmost importance. The physical body needs the required diet, exercise, and sleep/rest. But the spiritual body is often neglected due to the lack of awareness and interest by people to uplift themselves. If you really want to be happy and healthy in 2023, here is a spirituality to-do list that will definitely ensure that all areas of your life in terms of physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental are being managed aptly. Here you go for the new awakening in the New Year 2023.
1) Find out what makes you happy:
Yes, this is something that most of us have forgotten in the last two years after the coronavirus pandemic hit the world. There were a lot of down moments in everyone’s life – many people died, many people fell sick, many people lost their jobs, many people are crying inside to live in the inflation times, and there are many relationship issues. But that doesn’t allow you to become a sad soul. You need to get up from your sofa and read your own mind and heart to know how you see your life from now onwards. What is it that makes you happy and pleasant? If there is any activity that you are passionate about then go for it. Come out of your comfort zone and fly higher like the sky’s the limit. Don’t get bogged down by everyday life’s struggles as that is natural to happen.

2) Get closer to nature:
Have you ever wondered why you feel disconnected and distracted in the modern world? You are so much in touch with others but still, you feel lonely and disheartened when something wrong happens in your relationships. This is because you are not connecting to Mother Earth quite often by living in the busy city life. Get alive by exploring nature, sensing the smell of the earth, listening to the surroundings of the birds or water sounds, looking at the greenery around, and healing your inner wounds that crave time with Nature. You can simply sit for a few minutes below a tree every day and see the difference. The humility and satisfaction that you will experience by doing such small acts.
3) Say no to technology for some time:
Well, it is practically impossible to unplug from technological devices even for a day. You are reading this article on a smartphone or a laptop that itself says how important technology is in the digital era. But 2023 can be different! You can simply take a few hours a week away from technology to observe and reflect on your life’s goals, express your creative self, get a good night’s sleep and even improve the broken relationships that needed your attention. Think about those old carefree days when technology didn’t have any role to play in your life and try living such days even in 2023 and see the difference!
Reading inspirational spiritual story books, writing in a journal about your feelings without any filters, and practicing meditation with the help of healing music are some of the best forms of spiritual self-care rituals that you can start in 2023 and lead a peaceful life.