Dussehra or Vijayadashmi is the festival that celebrates the religious victory of Lord Rama over the demon king Ravana. It is on this day that Lord Rama fought with Ravana who was a 10-headed demon king of Lanka. Rama along with his team headed by his brother Lakshmana and devotee Lord Hanuman went to Ravana’s kingdom to get back his wife Goddess Sita who was abducted by Ravana.
Lord Rama killed Ravana because he was sick-minded and did only the wrong things in his life because his egoism and fake pride took control over his life. Ravana misused the power and blessings that he had to establish unrighteousness and Adharma in the world. It is for this reason that he could never take any right decisions in his life, thus attracting more negativity and dire consequences in his life. Goddess Sita’s abduction was the main reason he invited an end to his life.

If you compare Lord Rama with Ravana, you will find that Rama was a common man when his wife was abducted by Ravana. In fact, Rama was following 14 years of Vanvas because his stepmother Kaikeyi wanted him to leave his Ayodhya kingdom, and give away the kingdom to his brother Bharat. If you have read Ramayana, you will understand how Rama didn’t use any of his special powers to reach Lanka but the support of his devotee Hanuman who took the help of King of vanaras Sugriva.
The reason Rama won over Ravana was because of the dharmic principles that he followed throughout his life. Rama had a spiritual mindset, hardly would you hear or see Rama acting in an aggressive way in normal situations. Even when he was asked by his stepmother Kaikeyi to leave the kingdom to stay in exile for 14 years, he didn’t get angry with her but instead, took it as an opportunity to grow spiritually in life and was happy about his sacrifice to leave the luxuries of a king for his beloved brother Bharat.
Rama also didn’t even get frustrated with Sugriva who got busy with worldly pleasures after he was made a king. Rama didn’t judge Sugriva for making him wait for four months to come to the Maalyavaan Mountain on his rescue journey of his wife Sita. Instead, he showed his patience and expected that Sugriva would realize his promise and trusted that he would fulfill the same. It was his willpower and determination that he will rescue Sita anyhow with all that he can as a human being, is what makes him a selfless winner in all aspects.
Rama’s life was full of tragedies wherein he had to depart from his ailing father at his last stage because he had to fulfill his father’s promise given to his wife Kaikeyi. When Rama returned to Ayodhya after rescuing Sita from Ravana, he had to separate from his wife again for the welfare of his kingdom’s people. But he didn’t give up and ensured that his sacrifices were for the betterment of his kingdom’s people whom he considered his own children.
Rama’s compassion towards his fellow beings is what makes him really a hero not just in the epic Ramayana but even today. Even in the 21st century, you will find people naming their sons Rama, or Ramachandra, Raghava, and Raghu, among others but you will never find anyone naming Ravana because of the sinful acts that he kept doing in life.
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